Sunday, July 3, 2011

New week

I worked out a little less last week than I'd like, but it's okay. I did gain some weight back which I expected. I struggled later in the week with not feeling good, and overate to compensate. It is time to refocus.
I did a half hour on the elliptical today and it was hard. So I did a couple extra minutes.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Moved it today

I am a little sore from yesterday's procedure but saw no reason why I couldn't get out and walk today. I laid out everything that I would possibly need, so all I needed to do was roll out of bed and put clothes on.
Although I will confess that first I weighed myself, doing my usual morning routine. I am officially down 11 pounds. I'm happy about that, but have one caveat: I had to be on a clear liquid diet for 24 hours for yesterday's procedure (and I lost five pounds doing it). Today's weight may still reflect procedure weight loss.
But still, I'll take it. It was exciting to see. And it was up two and a half pounds from procedure day.
But today, I got out and walked. It was a beautiful morning, a little on the warm side (it's usually in the 60s in the morning here, and will be in the 90s this afternoon). I walked briskly and felt great.
I do feel, though, that my legs are still weak. I hope to improve that in the next month.
My goal for June was to get back into a steady routine and I've done that. I have yet to develop July goals, but that's next.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Week End

The week is over.
I took one day off from exercise, Wednesday. Friday, I hauled heavy carts around Costco for an hour and then did a half hour on the elliptical.
Today I did some major grocery shopping, again with heavy carts, and sweated big time. Not so much the second trip, but worked out hard doing the cleaning tonight. And then followed it with a walk.
So some major working out this week.
Tomorrow, though, I'm going to finish grocery shopping and maybe mow the lawn. Then I am going to reorganize some of my cabinets. I need to stay kind of close to the facilities. I will be on a clear liquid diet, prep for Monday's procedure. Not planning on working out Sunday or Monday.
DD is back home, so I'll be doing morning workouts. Yes!

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Time to get moving again

Yep, I'm still here. It's been nearly a year since I blogged on this blog, and for no really good reason. I have been exercising although at a little less intensity than last year.
First of all, I developed a sinus infection that took months to get over. It was awful. And then I had another one that took about a month to get over. I went in for my annual checkup, and found that my feeling of every day being a mountain to climb had more to do with the fact that my hematocrit was 32.6 (normal for women is 36-45) than the fact that I was depressed. Go figure.
So I'm back to exercise, and I walk slower than ever. But I'm walking. I get short of breath climbing a flight of stairs and that so sucks. But I am taking an iron supplement and having a procedure next week to see if I'm actively bleeding from an area, and we'll just go from there.
So last week and this week I finally got the exercise down that I wanted. I exercised most days last week, and have taken one day off this week. So far this week, I've:
mowed the lawn and dug the garden on Sunday, and walked a half hour
did 30 minutes on the elliptical on Monday
walked on Tuesday
and walked this morning (for a half hour, each walk)
95 minutes of working out on Sunday, and 90 minutes added to that. Yes!
Tomorrow I'll do something, in addition to hauling big carts around Costco. Saturday I'll walk. Sunday and Monday I probably won't feel like doing much of anything, and then I'll pick it up again.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Long Run and BoiseRunWalk

Last weekend I joined Boise RunWalk. I've been meaning to do that for ages, to have a little extra push to get out there.
Well, one of the things that has been holding me back is the time. They start at 0730. I often don't get up until 0730 on a good day. So I set my alarm, and hoped.
I got up in good time, but didn't really get out of the house in time to be on time. I made it by 0800. Fortunately or unfortunately, they do a lesson kind of thing first. So I missed it, but I made it to the stretching and comraderie part.
The leader was awesome at introducing us newbies to people. And the program is new, the summer program just started (the overall program's been ongoing for ages). However, I did not particularly care for the feeling of being assigned to someone. And I promptly (although not planned!) lost that someone as I went to the bathroom and then out to do the run.
Heck, I don't run prettily. I don't like talking to people as I run. I like to listen to music. I had two new to me tunes on the Zune, Finger Eleven's Paralyzer and Skillet's Monster. Paralyzer came on as we were heading out, truthfully perfect timing "I want to make you move/because you're standing still."
From Shoreline Park, we ran north two miles, which is mostly downriver and therefore rather on the downhill side. But it was okay. Usually I like to do upriver/uphill on the front part and down on the back, but it worked.
Although I wasn't running with a partner, it was great! to have people to wave out and say howdy to. I did feel like my allergies were overwhelming me, I felt like my legs were wooden and I gasped a lot. I didn't realize until I hit the two mile mark that I was going a little on the fast side. And I kept the pace up, honestly don't know how I did it.
So, 4 miles done. Ran 2 min 15 seconds and walked 3 minutes 45 seconds. I will bump this up with my next run to 2.5 minutes running and 3.5 minutes walking.
It wasn't unpleasantly warm, but it was definitely summer time running. I do believe, though, that by doing the run a couple of hours earlier than I have been helped me run a bit faster. Relatively. I completed the four miles in 64:30. Which I realize is not fast, but it's a sight faster than the 67:30 I did on Sunday.
After the run, I got in line and had a deep tissue massage. I don't usually like those, they are often painful. But the therapist does Shulman technique which is different, and I really felt my pain relieved from one shoulder. I think I will save my pennies and go see the guy again.
Now, for the week, I did 14.9 miles which is more than my usual. I also did 238 minutes of exercise this week, which is fabulous.

However, I gained four pounds this week, despite really doing well on the exercise. So this tells me that it is at long last time to address the food. That's another blog.

Friday, July 23, 2010

A screaming success last night.
After Wednesday's long, dragging run/walk (all of 35 minutes), I was not eager to exercise again. I'm done. Aren't I? So I fell asleep on the couch after dinner for a few minutes, then woke up and shook myself a bit. Cleaned out the fridge. Finished the grocery list. Got on the computer. Argued with myself.
And then, I went to the gym.
Not my best workout. 35 minutes of moderate level elliptical. 2.37 miles. But the triumph is, I did it. Even when I didn't want to.

So far this week: 174 minutes exercised.
10.9 miles.

I am skipping Pilates this week, and I'm only going to go next week and that will be that. It's a good workout, but my schedule has completely changed.
I go to BoiseRunWalk tomorrow for their long run/training/companionship. It's at the ungoshly hour of 0730. Um, hello, that's usually when I am dragging myself out of bed! But I will go. And I will run. And it will be good.
And I will add another hour to my workouts for the week, and another 4 miles. And that will be awesome. I was worried that I was going to overdo, but skipping Pilates and then taking two rest days seemed to be the ticket.

Next week, I'll walk Sun, elliptical M, run/walk Tues, rest Weds, run/walk Thurs, Pilates Fri, and long run Saturday. Or I may change it around. Who knows?

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Well, okay, I posted about my long run on Sunday.
It took everything I had to work out on Monday, but I did 37 minutes on the elliptical, 2.53 miles.
Yesterday I took a rest day. Exhausted.
Today I ran/walked again on the Greenbelt. Felt like the heat was sucking the life force out of me. My calves were in knots. It was just so hard. Barely got 35 minutes in, maybe 2 miles.

So far this week: 139 minutes exercised.
8.53 miles.